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3/11/2025 Video Auction

LOT # 1

Sale Date: Mar 11,2025

#/Head: 123

Sex: Steers

Breed: English & Exotic - few braham cross - no more than 1/8 ear

Color: 70 % black - Bal Red, Char, & couple herefords

Weight: 700

Avg Weight: 700

Base Weight: 700

Total Est Pay Weight: 86100 lbs - 2 light loads

Flesh: medium

Frame: Med

Description: Englis & Exotck - few braham cross - no more than 1/8 ear

Origin: US -

Weaned: Long Weaned

Vacc History: 2 Rds of Pyramid & Covexin 8 - autogenous - Ivomec

Implants: yes - Revelor G

Wormed: yes

Preconditioning: Yes

Age Source: no

Bangs: n/a

Horns: Few

Uniformity: slightly uneven

Quality: 1's & 1.5

Brahman: few have 1/8 ear

Weighing Conditions: gather in morning & load trucks. Haul to 6 miles to Gruver elevator & weight

Slide: .08 up

Shrink: 2% on truck

Consignor: Wayne Garrett

Location: 6 Miles North of Gruver, Tx

Delivery Date: 03-14 - 03-18

Represented By: Quentin Harper

Feed: No

Addt'l Comment: Nice set of English & Crossbred Steers off Short Wheat - Weight stop at 750 lb

LOT # 2

Sale Date: Mar 11,2025

#/Head: 84

Sex: Steers

Breed: Black/Red/Char & Baldies

Color: Red & Black

Weight: 925

Avg Weight: 925

Base Weight: 925

Total Est Pay Weight: 77700

Flesh: medium

Frame: Medium to Large

Description: Black Red & Fes char - 90%

Origin: US -

Weaned: Long Weaned

Vacc History: 3 Rds of Mod Live, Blackleg & Wormed

Implants: no

Wormed: yes - Dectomax injectable

Preconditioning: Yes

Age Source: no

Bangs: n/a

Horns: None

Uniformity: even

Quality: 1's

Brahman: n/a

Weighing Conditions: gather early morning, load on truck, go 1 mile to the scales which are located at the Stratford Coop

Slide: .08 slide up & down - 40 lb weight stop up & down

Shrink: 2% on truck

Consignor: bar

Location: From Stratford Tx, north on Beaver road 3/4 of a mile. Pens on the right

Delivery Date: 3-20 - 3-22 at Reps discretion

Represented By: Dan Conway

Feed: No

Addt'l Comment: Nice set of 900 lb Weaned Steers - Running on Short Wheat

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